Hack Online Latest Version Granny Creators Dennis Vukanovic 169

Creators Dennis Vukanovic 169 Granny



Languages English Granny hack generator



I love this game so much! I do have a few recommendations for nee updates. My best friend and I have both completed all the game modes, but wish we could play together in the same game rather than separate. I think there should be a granny multiplayer option. This way you and your friend can both play against granny at the same time. Also, creating another game mode or two would be nice. We spent weeks trying to complete extreme mode. Maybe there should be a mode a little bit easier, and then a mode a little bit harder after. I feel like hard to extreme is a really big step up. Maybe make a mode before extreme without the little cage in the one secret passageway. Or a few less creaking floors. An option to even be granny against a computer or a friend would also be really cool. To make it fair, granny will have limits. For example, if you’re playing as her, you can only put down 5 bear traps in every 10 or 15 minutes. Also, you should only be able to sprint or move faster for a small amount of time. Maybe only being able to check the cupboards and underneath the bed a few times. Creating multiple maps would be pretty cool too. For example, Granny moves to Idaho! She has a new house there or something similar to that. These are all just ideas to make the game even better than it already is. I’m sure others may agree or think the same thing(s). Thank you for reading! / Info: Welcome to Granny / language: English / creator: Dennis Vukanovic / Version notes: *Added another "Game Over" end / size: 368219 kilobyte.


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